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The sand between toes.. BBQ's with friends on the beach.. the sun disappearing into the horizon.. let's face it there's just something about summer.

Wherever you are in the world the warm relaxed days carry a feeling in the air.

In Australia we have some of the most amazing beaches to enjoy through the sunshine months. World famous spots like 'Noosa Beach' (pictured below) with it's white sand, cafe's, welcoming vibe, becomes a hive of activity as people flock to enjoy one of the best times of year. 

Further South at the iconic 'Bondi Beach' the energetic are out early, making the most of the cool start to the day and breathing in the fresh air. The walk around Bondi beach is one of the best in Australia and whether you're out and about or people watching from across the road in the cafe, you can't help but feel on holiday in that place.

Wherever you are this summer make sure you take some time, look around for a spot by yourself or with others, and truly appreciate what is all around you. They say 'an ocean breeze puts the mind at ease', so slow down, enjoy the view and stop and breathe. 

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Have you made your bucket list? Maybe it’s the fact that time keeps speeding on by, but last week I was reflecting on my life and realising that time stops for no one. I have read numerous passages and books that reference to that moment when someone is lying on their death bed and they rattle off the things they regret. There is a common theme, typically it’s the fact they wished they had taken more risks. Keeping in the spirit of this I decided the time to construct my bucket list was NOW! So here are my top 10 things to do before I die. I hope this inspires you to create your own list!

  1. Take a Pilgrimage. This may not hold the meaning it used to in the spiritual sense, but think of that place which makes your heart sing. For me I have always longed to visit the great wall of China. At 7m high, 7m thick and over 8000km long it blows my mind that this structure was made by human efforts. 

  2. Forgive. Something that sounds so simple yet can be so hard. In the end unforgiveness is something that poisons your spirit not the person you are mad at. 

  3. See the Pyramids. I have always longed to see this Egyptian marvel. Once again I am in awe of what human brilliance can accomplish! 

  4. Go Skinny Dipping. The scaredy cat in me has never shed all my clothing and bravely jumped into the sea. One day I am going to take a shot of something, be extra brave, carefree and all of day I shall skinny-dip.

  5. Get Engaged on top of the Eiffel Tower. Ok so many of you know I’m already married. This is a dream I would love to reenact one day. But to all you dreamers out there, this is definitely #goals.

  6. Float in the Dead Sea. This is just plain cool. I would love to know what this salt dense body of water feels like, one day I am determined I will!

  7. See the Northern Lights. Something again I have always longed to do. The earth is an amazing place, what a creation! 

  8. Finish a Journal. I am a self-confessed journal-a-holic. I love paper, crafts and stickers. Planning in my planner, writing down thoughts in my journal and numerous to-do lists. I can honestly say I don’t think I have ever finished a journal, I always get to the middle and excitedly buy another and start that one. One day I shall have a complete journal!

  9. Go on a Hot Air Balloon Ride. Sipping on some champagne, watching the sunset from a Hot Air Balloon, sigh. It would be absolute magic to float silently across the skyline!

  10. Love Deeply. Tell the people in my world whether it be family or not…tell I love them. It's so easy to assume that people can read our minds and they should know, but do they? Spread a little love around, it will cost you nothing but will give so much!


Now that I have started my list I realise I could actually make this 50 or 100 things to do before you die. I think more than going out there, taking out a loan and ticking off the list, just putting these thoughts down gives you a sense of something more. A sense of not just living a 9-5 existence but searching for more and longing for not just material things but experiences. Let it never be said of us that we had regrets! 

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The Noosa is our bestseller here at John Taylor Watches. A combination of Rose Gold casing and a Blush leather strap makes this a feminine combination. Yet whilst being feminine its minimal design makes it not overly fussy. Below are some ways you can style your very own Noosa timepiece.

woman wearing john taylor watch style the noosa

 A little background behind the name. The Noosa is named after one of Australia’s most iconic beaches, Noosa Beach. Having been to Noosa many times I am always taken back by its beauty. Noosa as a whole is a blend of the Australian beach lifestyle and upper class elegance. The streets team with tourists shopping at the exclusive boutiques, coffee in hand, scoping out the best spot for lunch. There are certainly relaxed vibes but it takes a pretty penny to live in Noosa.

noosa beach in noosa john taylor watches picture

When I wear the Noosa I am always surprised by how many different ways I can style the Noosa timepiece. The Blush makes it’s perfect for jeans and t-shirt casual yet it’s a great date night look too.

woman wearing john taylor watch style the noosa

 Creating a distinct woman’s watch, the Noosa is one of my favourite designs.  I believe the Noosa will remain a core product for John Taylor Watches for a very long time. Make sure you show us how you style your Noosa timepiece using the hashtags #myjtstory & #johntaylorwatches.

woman wearing the noosa timepiece from john taylor watches

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Last week I was pondering my next blog adventure and thought I would put together an outfit. When I typically do this I try to think of basing it around 2-3 colours maximum. This gives the look a continuity and a streamlined effect. The eye of the beholder doesn’t have to focus on ten different things when they glance your way. 

woman wearing gingham top and John Taylor watch timepiece The Bells

For this look I featured one of our good friends here at John Taylor Watches, Hello Parry is an Australian clothing brand really making their mark on the fashion industry. This top is called the ‘Anoushka’ top and with it’s on trend gingham design, it’s a great piece to add to your wardrobe this Autumn. 

For the bottom half I choose a simple black denim mini skirt, opaque black tights and knee-hi boots. The main feature here really is the top and accessories. 

woman carrying totes wearing black tights and skirt with John Taylor Watch on.

For the accessories (and this is wear I think the outfit pulls together) I chose a simple black velvet and pearl choker along with the John Taylor Watches Bells design timepiece. A few carefully chosen black pieces keep this outfit interesting yet not overboard.  For my handbag I went with this classic tote design from Colette by Colette Hayman

woman wearing handbag on shoulder with gingham top on and John Taylor Watch on

Essentially I am not a girl who spends an exorbitant amount of time putting an outfit together but I truly believe with a few keys pieces you can look extremely put together and ready for any occasion. 


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It's taken me years to decipher exactly what my personal style is and to feel comfortable in my own skin. I used to imitate those whose style just didn't suit me and I really didn't understand my body shape. I’m at a point now where I can look at clothing items online or on the hanger and almost instantly know whether they’re going to suit me or not. Here are my top tips for finding your personal style. 

I think this is something that comes with age and of course, trial and error. All of us can probably say we much prefer our personal style now more than we did 10 years ago. I used to love the look of leather pants and an oversized shirt, however that looks best on someone with less of a pear-shaped figure than mine. My top half is significantly smaller than my bottom so what's most flattering is wearing something more fitted on the top and something less structured on the bottom.
Jeans are another item that just don’t suit me… no matter how hard I try! I've always dreamed of being a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl, but that look just doesn't work on me. I look better in more classic pieces that are form fitting on top, with skirts being mid-length and pants loose. Once you figure out items that compliment your shape, it’s far easier to determine what pieces will suit you and you’ll feel confident in what you’re wearing.
I know I know, I’m not really the messiah on comfort. By comfortable I mean wearing what makes you feel confident. I feel confident in heels as it gives me height and I stand taller; I actually feel quite frumpy in flats. There are so many times I have yearned to look good in a pair of Gucci loafers, however I always revert back to the not-so-humble heel. However if you're not comfortable in heels, you'll look awkward and unhappy which just isn't a good look on anyone - if you feel super confident in jeans and a t-shirt, then you'll look awesome in those. 

wilde by zoe walking down a laneway looking back

Bags and shoes are my favourite key pieces to invest in. You can be wearing a boring AF outfit, then if you pair it with an awesome bag or a killer pair of heels, it completely transforms your outfit from geek to chic. This doesn't necessarily have to be from a luxury brand, this could be a really high quality wool coat or a beautiful pair of tailored pants. Stand out pieces that you can wear with a plethora of outfits is what we're seeking here.
This was a game changer for me. After buying years of crappy quality clothes made of cheap fabrics such as 'viscose', 'rayon' or 'polyester,' some which were obscenely overpriced no less, I have now opted to investing in higher quality materials, so my clothes last longer and wash better. No matter what your personal style is, poor quality pieces will look cheap on anyone. 
For me, it's black and white turtlenecks either short or long sleeved - these go with absolutely everything. For you, it might be neutral coloured t-shirts, shirts or jeans. Once you have these down-pat, you can incorporate additional pieces around them to create a cohesive collection, comprising of accessories, outerwear and occasional trend items.

This goes without saying for me as I'm quite short (5ft 4"), so all of my trousers require alteration. However, shortening the arm length of a jacket or cinching in the waist can make all the difference. Beautiful tailoring will always look chic and if the item fits you well, you’ll feel confident in what you're wearing.

wilde by zoe looking back walking down a laneway
Instagram can be the key to a world of outfit combinations you never thought possible. Start utilising the new 'pin' feature so over time you are stockpiling a folio of looks to refer to when seeking style inspiration. 


Featured from the blog 'Wilde by Zoe'

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Cup of coffee John Taylor Watches with Tiisch menu

As a teenager I just couldn’t understand the lure of coffee.  The smell was vaguely appealing, the taste was truly disgusting and at the time the only benefit I could see was its ability to keep you awake.  This was enough to get me to try it.. and years later I can well and truly say I am a convert.

woman having a coffee at a cafe wearing The Whitehaven John Taylor Watches timepiece

 Words like crema, roast and bean get my taste buds tingling and my senses stirred.

That feeling of walking into a cafe, you look across at the Barista and clearly by the signs of his dreads and piercings knowing it’s gonna be great! You glance at the trendy decor which screams…we are the new breed of hipster.

woman drinking a cappuccino at a cafe wearing The Noosa watch style from John Taylor Watches

The seats are few because the place is jammed with twenty-somethings spending their hard earned cash on a weekend breakfast out. There are gluten free offerings in the cabinet and ‘raw’ brownies…when did they need to be raw I ask myself? I glance at the price…$5 for a regular coffee….ah well it’s not just the coffee after all is it…we are paying for the experience.

the byron john taylor watches having a coffee at a cafe

The first few sips are glorious and the drive was all worth it.  We are emerged in the coffee culture and thankfully for us it doesn’t seem to be changing anytime soon.

From a coffee lover xo

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The New Year is a magical time where all that has passed in the previous year can be forgotten. People can be redeemed. New habits can be started. Slates are wiped clean and all your dreams are achievable! 

The New Year is a chance. A chance where you can write down a new set of goals and dreams and actually feel like anything is possible! 

Woman with pink nails writing in a notebook

Some tips on goal setting and nutting out those New Years resolutions. 

  1. Stay Balanced - have different categories for different areas of growth in your life. For example: Have a goal for your Health, and then another for your Mental Growth and then another for your Financial Area. 

  2. Keep them achievable. All too often I have set myself lofty goals, I will read 20 books…I will loose 30kg. Making goals too lofty to achieve can also be a great discourager. Make sure you can achieve whatever you set yourself, even if it’s small increments at a time.

  3. Put them somewhere you can see them. Such a simple thing but so effective. I make sure my goals are in my planner and also put up somewhere I can see them daily, the fridge is a great location.

    Woman looking up to the sky sitting in a forest
    Let’s make 2017 the year we believe, achieve and succeed! 
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As 2016 rapidly accelerates to a close, it’s a great time to grab your favourite cocktail and take some time to reflect on the upcoming year.

I would say 99% of people I talk to say how fast 2016 has flown. I often ask them did they achieve all they wanted to? And most often the answer is absolutely not! I’m first to put my hand up of someone who has lists upon lists of things I wanted to achieve.

 man holding a compass on his iPhone at twilight

When I think about this further I am struck by my how many of my decisions are career/ money based. However, when I think about what truly matters in life I believe experiences will be what I take with me as times marches on.

 Let’s make 2017 our year to say YES to new adventures! Let’s finally start that hobby…let’s go on that road trip! Let’s make that tricky cocktail we have been longing to try but didn’t want to splurge on the $50 spirits. Let’s book that trip to Europe!

 truck driving down a dirt road at twilight

I guess this is all easy to talk about, specially heading into the New Year’s resolution zone...but hey let’s take some practical steps too. First make a list…yes I hear what you’re saying, another list but unless it’s down on paper it’s unlikely it will ever happen.

Tell your significant other, a partner, a sibling, a parent…make it official and declare ‘I’m going to Paris’…even more fun burst into their room at 6am to do it.

 the louvre in paris at night

Make an attempt to put your money where your mouth is...start saving even if it’s a small amount every pay packet.

Let’s say YES to new adventures! If you have an adventure that you are moving towards let the JT Team know all about it! Tag us in your pictures using #myjtstory…come on team let’s do this!

woman walking in desert stone formations

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Now that you’ve DEFINITELY waited until the first of December to put up your tree and brushed the cobwebs off those decorations, it’s time to finally let the holiday season catch up with you. Every department store has been pushing Christmas since the beginning of October, but you’ve stayed strong and ignored the mounting stress wrapped in twinkling Christmas lights and smelling of candy canes.

christmas pine tree with decorations

But not until you’re pressing play on that Michael Bublé Christmas album and penciling in the third work Christmas party does it finally hit you – you’re not quite ready for December to be here. Not only when it comes to your savings account, but mentally as well.

In our rush to buy the perfect gift for our besties or for that special someone, we can so easily forget to love ourselves. But this year, the thing at the top of our lists should be to find a healthy balance these holidays (and I don’t just mean balancing those fruit mince pies with green smoothies)!

Christmas cookies on a plate

When you’re filling up your planner with commitments and family get-togethers, don’t forget to schedule a little quality time for yourself. There’s nothing like a deadly case of F.O.M.O to leave you exhausted and craving a cozy night in with Netflix.

Take some time out to go for a coffee date with your favourite book and say yes to that extra slice of cake. Watch Bridget Jones’s Diary for the thirteenth time and Love Actually with a cheeky glass of wine…or two!

christmas french bakery

After you’ve indulged in some alone time, don’t be afraid to add a few treats for yourself to your shopping list (for when you’re brave enough to venture into the outside world again). After all, what better time to pick up a few presents for the most important person in your life – YOU! 

woman reading a book by the sea

With the year drawing to a close and your tolerance for reindeer-based songs skyrocketing, make it a priority to reflect on how far you’ve come this year. You’ve achieved so much and deserve a bit of praise, or at the very least, a celebratory nap for all your efforts this year.

hot chocolate with christmas decor

Besides, you need to save your energy for that last minute dash to K-Mart on Christmas Eve. Tis the season after all!

Bek K

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The temperature is starting to rise ……. Summer is here!

One of my favourite times of year is Summer. Packing up the car, towels, sunscreen and BBQ’s. Good vibes are all round. Beach cricket and relaxing in the sun. Let’s face it Summer rocks! Below are some essentials to make Summer and your trip to the beach the best yet!

Eyewear. That morning sun can be deceiving and often we can underestimate the power of those rays. If you don’t want to have premature ageing around those eyes, grab your favourite pair of sunglasses. Preferably for a day at the beach you would go for a polarised pair which cuts the glare off the water. Not only do you look chic but you’re protecting your eyes.

woman in hat laughing on the beach with watch on

Snacks and Drinks. The last you want to do is to finally have your beach set up, lie down and hunger strikes…but I don't wanna move and where is the closest shop? Perfect solution is to bring your snacks and drinks down onto the sand with you. Consider bringing an esky or cooler down to keep your drinks cool. Cutting up fruit and snacks in containers will save you the mess and inconvenience of preparing on the sand.  Get rid of the guilt and choose healthy options.

healthy fruit with women by the pool

Shade. It may seem boring and practical but trust me, when it’s 35 degrees on a hot Australian beach you will be grateful for carting down that gazebo or umbrella.

 umbrella shade at beach with chair

A cute cover-up. We put a lot of focus on the best pair of swimmers or bikini, but when it’s time for a break from swimming a cute cover-up is what makes our beach fashion perfect. Whether it’s a crochet dress or cotton playsuit, comfort and style go hand in hand.

woman on beach in playsuit wearing watch

Ultimate Playlist. Beach tunes are the perfect companion for a great beach experience. Creating the right vibes and putting you in the mood for relaxing, fun and beach awesomeness. See below our Summer Playlist!


Spotify Playsuit for Summer

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