The New Year is a magical time where all that has passed in the previous year can be forgotten. People can be redeemed. New habits can be started. Slates are wiped clean and all your dreams are achievable!
The New Year is a chance. A chance where you can write down a new set of goals and dreams and actually feel like anything is possible!
Some tips on goal setting and nutting out those New Years resolutions.
- Stay Balanced - have different categories for different areas of growth in your life. For example: Have a goal for your Health, and then another for your Mental Growth and then another for your Financial Area.
- Keep them achievable. All too often I have set myself lofty goals, I will read 20 books…I will loose 30kg. Making goals too lofty to achieve can also be a great discourager. Make sure you can achieve whatever you set yourself, even if it’s small increments at a time.
- Put them somewhere you can see them. Such a simple thing but so effective. I make sure my goals are in my planner and also put up somewhere I can see them daily, the fridge is a great location.
Let’s make 2017 the year we believe, achieve and succeed!
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