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Have you made your bucket list? Maybe it’s the fact that time keeps speeding on by, but last week I was reflecting on my life and realising that time stops for no one. I have read numerous passages and books that reference to that moment when someone is lying on their death bed and they rattle off the things they regret. There is a common theme, typically it’s the fact they wished they had taken more risks. Keeping in the spirit of this I decided the time to construct my bucket list was NOW! So here are my top 10 things to do before I die. I hope this inspires you to create your own list!

  1. Take a Pilgrimage. This may not hold the meaning it used to in the spiritual sense, but think of that place which makes your heart sing. For me I have always longed to visit the great wall of China. At 7m high, 7m thick and over 8000km long it blows my mind that this structure was made by human efforts. 

  2. Forgive. Something that sounds so simple yet can be so hard. In the end unforgiveness is something that poisons your spirit not the person you are mad at. 

  3. See the Pyramids. I have always longed to see this Egyptian marvel. Once again I am in awe of what human brilliance can accomplish! 

  4. Go Skinny Dipping. The scaredy cat in me has never shed all my clothing and bravely jumped into the sea. One day I am going to take a shot of something, be extra brave, carefree and all of day I shall skinny-dip.

  5. Get Engaged on top of the Eiffel Tower. Ok so many of you know I’m already married. This is a dream I would love to reenact one day. But to all you dreamers out there, this is definitely #goals.

  6. Float in the Dead Sea. This is just plain cool. I would love to know what this salt dense body of water feels like, one day I am determined I will!

  7. See the Northern Lights. Something again I have always longed to do. The earth is an amazing place, what a creation! 

  8. Finish a Journal. I am a self-confessed journal-a-holic. I love paper, crafts and stickers. Planning in my planner, writing down thoughts in my journal and numerous to-do lists. I can honestly say I don’t think I have ever finished a journal, I always get to the middle and excitedly buy another and start that one. One day I shall have a complete journal!

  9. Go on a Hot Air Balloon Ride. Sipping on some champagne, watching the sunset from a Hot Air Balloon, sigh. It would be absolute magic to float silently across the skyline!

  10. Love Deeply. Tell the people in my world whether it be family or not…tell I love them. It's so easy to assume that people can read our minds and they should know, but do they? Spread a little love around, it will cost you nothing but will give so much!


Now that I have started my list I realise I could actually make this 50 or 100 things to do before you die. I think more than going out there, taking out a loan and ticking off the list, just putting these thoughts down gives you a sense of something more. A sense of not just living a 9-5 existence but searching for more and longing for not just material things but experiences. Let it never be said of us that we had regrets! 

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Whilst researching a number of ideas for this blog post I happened upon that famous line ‘The power of positive thinking’. First made famous by author Norman Vincent Peale, this has long been a topic of discussion.

I wanted to break this down a little and talk about my thoughts on the power of positive thinking. I feel like this year, 2017 has meant a major life shift for me. Mindsets have changed and thought patterns shifted.

Woman standing on the beach in white bohemian dress

What is positive thinking? Simply it’s replacing that negative thought ‘I would be hopeless at rock climbing’ to ‘I’m going to give it a go and I bet I will be awesome’. I feel positive thinking is speaking good stuff over your life before it’s even happened.

Professor Barbara Fredrickson a psychologist from the University of North Carolina, USA suggests that positivity is a mindset and helps to produce emotions such as amusement, joy, happiness, well-being, inspiration and gratitude. 

You and I both know that negative emotions can lead to all sorts of things…ulcers, inadvertent weight gain or loss and anxiety. Professor Fredrickson says ‘I think of positive emotions as nutrients. In the same way that we need to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables to be healthy, we need a variety of positive emotions in our daily experience to help us become more resourceful versions of ourselves’.

 Woman laughing on the beach with rocks behind her wearing John Taylor Watch

Training our minds to focus on positive thoughts and not let yourself be drowned out by negativity can be tough. This requires discipline and a constant replacing that negative thought and in its place putting a positive one. I often tell my children that sometimes you need to ‘fake it till you make it’. The same is true for positive thinking. The mind is fickle and can be lazy too! The more you keep replacing those negative thoughts with positive ones, the more natural this process becomes. It may be a lot of effort to start but keep going it gets easier!  

The Mayo Clinic reports some of the benefits of positive thinking may provide an increased life span, lower rates of depression and stress, being able to withstand the common cold even! Better heart health and coping skills in times of worry and pressure. These are huge benefits!

 Woman laughing on the beach wearing a white shirt and hat and John Taylor Watches Noosa style

Positive thinking is definitely something I want to work better at. I suggest a couple of resources to start you on this process of a positive lifestyle. Grab a copy of ‘The Power of Positive thinking’ by Norman Vincent Peale and even a gratitude journal, which will help you to focus on the good things in your life. Just because we are almost into March doesn’t mean you can’t make this your best year yet!

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  1. Warm Lemon Water: I have heard this one talked about for years and never really been keen until recently. The New Year brings a 'new me' and I am embracing it with open arms. Warm lemon water every morning has helped with my digestion and also gives your body a boost of Vitamin C.

    cold glass of water with lemon and mint
  2. Start a journal: Whether it’s a gratitude journal, a prayer book or simply a place to scribble down thoughts, a journal is a great way to help align your mind. I’ve found when I get all my thoughts down I feel more centered and ready to face current issues that are going on in my life. I feel grateful for all I have and open to new opportunities. 

    woman writing in a journal on a desk
  3. Hydrate! We have had this drummed into us for so long and there is truth in the drumming. There are so many benefits that outweigh the constant trips to the bathroom. Clear skin, less snacking, excess hunger, the overall health benefits are too numerous to list! I like to carry my favourite water bottle around with me and also on occasion add fun flavours like lime and berries. 

    bottle of clear water

  4. Get some sun! Getting enough vitamin D is essential for strong bones and a good mood. Get out of the office or study chair at least once each day to take a walk and get some vitamin D. 10 minutes a day is all you need.

    woman walking in the sun along a path
  5. Sleep More. I know what your saying…ok, this is a habit I could get behind. Getting enough sleep of a night is essential for your overall health. I have recently found an awesome function on my iphone called the Bedtime function, which alerts me when I need to head off to bed to get my 8 eight hours in. Although I usually ignore it, I am trying to train my body to obey. 

    Pug dog sleeping in woman's armsAnoushka Marie John Taylor watches signature
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The New Year is a magical time where all that has passed in the previous year can be forgotten. People can be redeemed. New habits can be started. Slates are wiped clean and all your dreams are achievable! 

The New Year is a chance. A chance where you can write down a new set of goals and dreams and actually feel like anything is possible! 

Woman with pink nails writing in a notebook

Some tips on goal setting and nutting out those New Years resolutions. 

  1. Stay Balanced - have different categories for different areas of growth in your life. For example: Have a goal for your Health, and then another for your Mental Growth and then another for your Financial Area. 

  2. Keep them achievable. All too often I have set myself lofty goals, I will read 20 books…I will loose 30kg. Making goals too lofty to achieve can also be a great discourager. Make sure you can achieve whatever you set yourself, even if it’s small increments at a time.

  3. Put them somewhere you can see them. Such a simple thing but so effective. I make sure my goals are in my planner and also put up somewhere I can see them daily, the fridge is a great location.

    Woman looking up to the sky sitting in a forest
    Let’s make 2017 the year we believe, achieve and succeed! 
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 There are so many things I love about living on the coast. My home town at the present is Mandurah, Western Australia. Located 45 minutes south of Perth, the town of Mandurah to me is the perfect blend of laid back living whilst still being less than an hour to a bustling city. 


Bondi beach john taylor watch design


I myself have always opted to live coastal. Growing up on the New South Wales coast I was familiar with the surf lifestyle. The smell of the ocean as it carried across the town, the gorgeous sunsets and endless summer’s. That’s another big plus about Australian living, we have one of the best climates (in my opinion) across the globe. 
 So I thought I would give you my top three reasons why coastal living is so awesome.


 Bondi Beach Sydney Shot John Taylor Watches


My first reason is the feeling of escape. I love that feeling so at any moment I could jump in a boat and set sail for places I have never been. There is a feeling of freedom, standing on the edge of the crashing waves during a big swell you feel absolutely dwarfed. It is in these times I feel right somehow, like I know my place in the world. I realise this all sounds a bit airy fairy but if you live coastal you will understand this feeling. 


Bondi Beach Rocks shot John Taylor Watches


My second reason is the beach lifestyle. Summer comes along and suddenly the sweaters and gone and replaced by short shorts and bikini’s. The beach is a sanctuary where sun is king and sand is a welcoming bed of relaxation. Living costal is a feeling of being on holiday constantly. There is nothing more pleasing than the sand between your toes, drinks as the sun sinks into the ocean and that feeling of the sun on your bare skin. 


Cottesloe Sunrise Western Australian Beaches


My third reason (and look there could be so many more) is beach coastal living is a platform to create lifelong memories. I think most of us can remember a time we dug our spades into wet sand and attempted to build the tallest sandcastle on the beach. The beach holds excitement, the beach holds romance, the beach will ever be a part of my memories and I hope it’s part of yours. 


John Taylor Watches Founder Anoushka Marie


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